Who has not signed the waiver?Activity Messenger makes it easy to create liability waivers with electronic signature. A must during COVID-19 deconfinement. But then how do you determine who has not signed the waiver? Introducing the Not signed tab. You can now: - Configure the list of people from which you except a signature
- See who has not signed the waiver
- Find someone by name, email or mobile phone number
- Send them a reminder by email or SMS
- Email the coach the list of people who haven't signed
Configuring the Not signed listOn the Not signed tab, click on Configure and choose the list(s) of people who should sign the waiver. Activity Messenger will then cross reference signatories (by email) and list out only the people who have not signed.
Send a reminder by email or by text messageClick on the Send a reminder link. You will be redirected to the Message screen. Tailor your message to encourage recipients to fill in the waiver.
Send the list of non signers to the coachIt is imperative that the coach be aware of who has not signed the waiver before the class. Click on Send to a colleague. They will receive the full list of non-signers and the link to the waiver. Parents/participants will be able to sign the waiver on the coach's smartphone at the start of the class.
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