Credit card convenience feeIn Payment Forms, it is now possible to ask your customers to pay for credit card fees. Credit card convenience fees will appear as an extra line item on the invoice when the client pays by credit card.
By changing the method of payment, for example to an Interac e-Transfer, the credit card surcharge will automatically get removed from the invoice.
Why add a credit card convenience fee?Using a credit card online is very convenient. Often the credit card information is pre-programmed on your smartphone or on your computer. The fees however, take away from your organization's bottom line. With this new option you can be transparent with your clients by showing the credit card fees as a separate line item. You can cut the apple in half. For example, charge a 2% fee to cover half the credit card fees. Activity Messenger gives you full control.
How to add credit card convenience fees to your formsTo activate this option, head to the Payments tab of your form and edit the payment options. Turn on the Credit card convenience fee option. You may then configure the label, the amount to charge as a percentage, apply sales taxes and assign a ledger code to recognize the fee in your accounting system.
Credit card surcharges in CanadaIn Canada, credit card convenience fees became legal as of October 2022. In QuΓ©bec however, they are now allowed. The rules stipulate that credit card surcharges must be presented on the invoice before the client pays. Activity Messenger does exactly that.
Other ways to save on credit card feesIf you're concerned about credit card transaction fees, Activity Messenger gives you many options. - You can ask your client to pay a deposit online using their credit card and handle the balance payment offline.
- If you're in Canada you can take Interac e-Transfer payments and save on credit card fees.
- Finally, you can handle the payment yourself using the Other payment method.
In all cases, Activity Messenger helps you track invoices and payments. You have access to financial reports to simplify your accounting.
Let us know if you need help setting this up or have questions.
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Know an athlete, club or team looking to fundraise?
Activity Messenger has recently acquired MAKEACHAMP, a free fundraising solution just for sports. Our mission is to make it easy to achieve your funding goals. We equip athletes with innovative micro-sponsoring and self-marketing tools.