
Activity Messenger allows you to take payments by credit card using Stripe. We provide an E-Commerce solution for selling simple classes, events and custom items (merchandise, fees, etc). Activity Messenger E-Commerce is a full replacement to Eventbrite and a complement to your existing Registration system.

You can use the E-Commerce features with or without credit card payments. For example to let your clients register to free classes or events, or to take payments in person.

Activity Messenger E-Commerce is a Premium feature. For a limited time, it is also available in the Light plan.

Activity Messenger's E-Commerce features are prodived through Payment forms and the Online Store.

Payment forms extend the existing Forms that you already use for waivers and surveys. Payment forms have new question types to allow you to sell events, classes, memberships, products and custom items. Get started by following our guide: How to create a Payment Form.

Using the Activity Messenger Online Store, allow your clienst to purchase merchandise with a shopping cart. At checkout, they can pay online with a credit card. You can also use it as an in-person Point of Sale and accept in person payments using a Stripe Terminal Reader.

# Build a payment form in 5 minutes

Learn how to set up a Payment Form and start collecting payments by credit card in less than 5 minutes.

"E.R.F." musical piece from bensound.com.

Click on the E-Commerce menu. It is split into 3 sections. First are Invoices (client billing) and Reports (financial and accounting). Second are Payment forms (how you sell), Resources (locations & staff) and Classe/Events (what you sell). Third are settings for Stripe and Sales taxes. Let's start with those.

Access E-Commerce settings in Activity Messenger via the organization menu

# Payments with Stripe

Payments by credit card are handled by Stripe. You can connect your existing Stripe account, or create a new account. It only takes a few minutes and it's free. You can start accepting credit card payments immediately. Go to the Stripe settings page and click on the Connect Stripe button.

In Activity Messenger, payments through credit card are handled by Stripe.

Connecting your Stripe account to Activity Messenger


Stripe allows you to run in "Test mode". You can test your payment forms by using a test credit card. Activity Messenger allows you to toggle on or off the Test mode. Make sure the Test mode is off when you are ready to take payments for real.

# Sales taxes

Activity Messenger allows you set up sales taxes. Go to the Taxes settings page to add those. You can specify exclusive taxes (that get added on top the displayed price), or inclusive taxes (that are included in the displayed price). You can add any number of taxes. When you build your Payment form, you'll be able to specify which taxes apply.

Tax settings in Activity Messenger

Activity Messenger allows you to specify exclusive taxes (that get added on top the displayed price), or inclusive taxes (that are included in the displayed price)

With Stripe and Sales taxes set up, you are now ready to build your first Payment form.